WORLWIDE SHIPPING I Ships from Lima, Peru.

My item can't track anywhere?

Go to This link:
(USPS tracking will also work)
Insert your tracking code on the bar. Press Enter, done!

How long until I get my order?
2 weeks to a Month. Shipping from Peru to the world takes a lot of traveling time. Sometimes even 2 months depending on the country. I can't garantee a solid day and EXPRESS 7 days international mail is VERY expensive.

Is there a cheaper option for shipping?
Sadly, no. The shipping I give has a tracking code and is the cheapest it can be without it putting me on the red. This will get cheaper once I move to the USA, but I can't promise I will have all the same products avaliable.

I've been charged double shipping!
Don't worry, I take note of those and refund the cheapest option or the unnecessary one automatically. If I haven't, let me know ASAP.